A tracer that logs all events to the console. It extends from the BaseTracer class and overrides its methods to provide custom logging functionality.

const llm = new ChatAnthropic({
temperature: 0,
tags: ["example", "callbacks", "constructor"],
callbacks: [new ConsoleCallbackHandler()],

Hierarchy (view full)



awaitHandlers: boolean = ...
ignoreAgent: boolean = false
ignoreChain: boolean = false
ignoreLLM: boolean = false
ignoreRetriever: boolean = false
name: "console_callback_handler" = ...
raiseError: boolean = false
runMap: Map<string, Run> = ...


  • Method used to get a string representation of the run's lineage, which is used in logging.


    • run: Run

      The run whose lineage is to be retrieved.

    Returns string

    A string representation of the run's lineage.

  • Called at the end of a Chain run, with the outputs and the run ID.


    • outputs: ChainValues
    • runId: string
    • Optional_parentRunId: string
    • Optional_tags: string[]
    • Optionalkwargs: {
          inputs?: Record<string, unknown>;
      • Optionalinputs?: Record<string, unknown>

    Returns Promise<Run>

  • Called if a Chain run encounters an error


    • error: unknown
    • runId: string
    • Optional_parentRunId: string
    • Optional_tags: string[]
    • Optionalkwargs: {
          inputs?: Record<string, unknown>;
      • Optionalinputs?: Record<string, unknown>

    Returns Promise<Run>

  • Called at the start of a Chain run, with the chain name and inputs and the run ID.


    • chain: Serialized
    • inputs: ChainValues
    • runId: string
    • OptionalparentRunId: string
    • Optionaltags: string[]
    • Optionalmetadata: KVMap
    • OptionalrunType: string
    • Optionalname: string

    Returns Promise<Run>

  • Called at the start of a Chat Model run, with the prompt(s) and the run ID.


    • llm: Serialized
    • messages: BaseMessage[][]
    • runId: string
    • OptionalparentRunId: string
    • OptionalextraParams: KVMap
    • Optionaltags: string[]
    • Optionalmetadata: KVMap
    • Optionalname: string

    Returns Promise<Run>

  • Called at the start of an LLM or Chat Model run, with the prompt(s) and the run ID.


    • llm: Serialized
    • prompts: string[]
    • runId: string
    • OptionalparentRunId: string
    • OptionalextraParams: KVMap
    • Optionaltags: string[]
    • Optionalmetadata: KVMap
    • Optionalname: string

    Returns Promise<Run>

  • Called at the start of a Tool run, with the tool name and input and the run ID.


    • tool: Serialized
    • input: string
    • runId: string
    • OptionalparentRunId: string
    • Optionaltags: string[]
    • Optionalmetadata: KVMap
    • Optionalname: string

    Returns Promise<Run>